Your child may drown or develop life-threatening heart or lung damage if a seizure happens in water. Tell your child's friends, family members, and coworkers that he or she had a seizure. Give them written instructions to follow if your child has another seizure.What do I need to know ...
Behind the Drunk Man, we see a handsome, well-built young man climbing off a fancy scooter. This is MIN-HYUK, 24. He walks over with a LARGE BOX in his hands. KI-JUNG Is that Min-Hyuk? It is. CHUNG-SOOK Ki-Woo is surprised to see Min-Hyuk, who continues to yell at the...
Your child has a seizure or has abnormal movements of the face, arms, or legs. Your child is drooling and not able to swallow. Your child has a stiff neck, severe headache, confusion, or is difficult to wake. Your child has a fever for longer than 5 days. Your child is crying or...
Epilepsy in children can be scary. Here is what parents need to know about the neurological disorder as well as what you can do if your child is having a seizure
Tip: Keep your dog calm and prevent injury during a seizure; avoid touching their mouth or head. Comment 14: Can multiple edibles consumed together worsen the effects? Yes, consuming multiple edibles amplifies the toxicity due to the cumulative THC dose and the added effects of secondary ingred...
However, some exposure-dependent antiseizure medication effects were seen in secondary analyses. The adverse effects of maternal post-birth anxiety emphasize the importance of screening mothers during pregnancy and postpartum and implementing interventions. Additional studies are needed...
2.4 times more likely to have a seizure 2.5 times more likely to lose your ability to feel pleasure Meth Overdose Anoverdose on methamphetamineis common. When a person consumes a large amount of the drug at one time, their body may become overwhelmed by the drug, resulting in coma, seizure...
It has a long way to go but does focus on mental health. In the meantime, where do young men find mentors, seniors, elders, and adult male role-models to help them grow in healthy young men sound of body and mind? I submit for consideration that all the pundit talk about enhancing ...
Chapter 2 - This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Zion, the Royal City of God - In days to come, The mountain of the
The criteria for implantation were the following: a) not candidate for resective epilepsy surgery, b) DRE, c) impairment of quality of life, d) no other option of treatment. We assessed socio-demographics, seizure etiology, seizure classification and AEDs used during treatment with VNS. We ...