Some people figure since a specific credit card debt is going to be discharged in bankruptcy anyhow, why not charge a few hundred more dollars of “stuff” before filing? This is known as fraud and can keep you from being able to file for bankruptcy. At the very least, the credit card...
What to Do Before You File for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is generally considered a last resort for people who are deep in debt and see no way to pay their bills. Before filing for bankruptcy, however, it’s worth considering some alternatives. They are less costly than bankruptcy and likely to ...
If you're considering taking out a debt consolidation loan before going the bankruptcy route, be sure to read the fine print on your existing loans and determine how much you'll be saving. Benefits of filing for bankruptcy Bankruptcy has some notable advantages for those deep in debt. Debt ...
The article discusses some things businesses should think about before filing for bankruptcy. According to the author, bankruptcy has gotten more difficult and expensive. It used to be that bankruptcy co...
Because Chapter 11 is the most expensive and complex form of bankruptcy, companies generally explore all alternative routes before filing for one. Chapter 11 Example In January 2019 Gymboree Group Inc., a popular children's clothing chain, announced that it had filed for Chapter 11 and was closi...
Go to my site to find out about bill consolidation and bankruptcy to learn which course of action will fix your situation best.
It's important to consider before filing: What is bankruptcy, what different types are there, and what could cause someone to file for it? What Is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a legal process, an option for an individual, family, or corporation who finds themselves unable to pay off their debt...
Get the secrets about bankruptcy that the creditors don't want you to know! Download debt relief attorney & author Ray Bulaon's free bankruptcy book today.
6 Steps to Filing for Bankruptcy If you are currently in the situation of bankruptcy, here are the steps you should follow to make it out on the other side: Seek Financial Advice It may be wise to seek legal advice before making the decision to file for bankruptcy. This is to ensure th...
By this I mean that you are now a slave to creditors because your debt level is beyond what your income can handle comfortably such that there is every month you have no savings. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy for the following...