Although it’s nice to go home, slow down and visit my family and friends. Have a great week! –Nutmeg Nanny Reply Kaighla September 5, 2009 Yvonne! I found your blog! I am so glad it is working now! And so excited to eat some delicious Halal food tonight for iftar! Sallams,...
Elite Havensa couple of special halal Indonesian dishes for celebrating Iftar here, including Balinese chicken with spicy sauce and a vegetarian spin on the rendang curry, usually made with beef, but here made with bean curd and tofu.
Being addicted to all things food, I actually enjoyed parts of travel during Ramadan, namely havingiftar, the breaking of the day’s fast, with different people each day. Pakistanis are very welcoming to all foreigners, and despite not being a Muslim, they were all too happy to invite us ...
about half an hour before dawn, in time for the fajr, or morning, prayer, according to the IslamiCity news website. After the sun fully sets at the end of each day, the person typically breaks his or her fast with water and dates, followed by prayers and then a meal called iftar. ...