referring to 由于是由动词 refer to 转化来的,因此是动态的行为,即“用嘴把某件事情说出来”。二者的各有侧重。3. 在本句中,refering to the essay 是现在分词短语,充当条件状语,等于 If you refer to the essay 的书面形式,有些文绉绉的味道。首先要弄明白在这个句子中有两个 essay,不过...
thatIhadfailed.SowhenIgottoclass,ItoldeveryoneIdidn?twanttotakethetestonmybirthday. OneFridayamonthlater,Iwenttothetest spotagainandpassed.LaterthatnightIdrovefor thefirsttimebymyself,whichbroughttomean amazing feeling I?ve never experienced———but sill,Icouldn?timagineevertellinganyonethe truth.So...
M: I have scheduled to go to the seaside with my friends. W: Oh, what a pity! M: Yeah. But it's a good thing that I gave Joe the gift early. W: Well, what did you give him? M: A bottle of red wi...
I’m just trying to take care of my family, trying to give them a good life, I’m not trying to steal o-r rob from anybody. Why does this have to happen to me. Fo-r those of you that have experienced some hardships – don’t give up on your dream. 你们有的知道这很难 你们很...
Checklist: Have I Met All Requirements for a Research Essay? Before submitting your research paper, go through this checklist to ensure you've met all the essential requirements: Topic: Is my topic focused and specific to allow in-depth analysis? Research: Have I used credible, up-to-date,...
首先就是Planninganessay: 在写essay前,你需要考虑以下Questions • What is my assignment brief? Do I understand the essay question/title? • What must I include in my essay? • Am I familiar with the assessment criteria? 在开始写作之前 -understand what you are expected to produce非常重要....
I can’t see without my glasses. Cake still tastes great even if it’s not your birthday.When those same verbs are used for a voluntary action—specific, deliberate, and/or temporary events—they are dynamic. Among other things, it means they can be used in the continuous tenses. ...
Sometimes our customers are not sure that we can complete a certain paper within a short time. That is why they often contact us via the live chat asking "can you write my essay within 4 hours", "is it possible for you to write essay for me with 2 hours deadline", "how can I ge...
"Students that are needing to make decisions based on cost should proceed with caution," Gosselin says. "Colleges do offer net price calculators on their website, which are designed to give families a range of where financial aid is likely to fall if they're admitted. ...
What to include in a cover letter besides a desperate plea to give you a job? Cheer up! Writing one will be a breeze if you know what should be in a cover letter. Not only that—you’ll write an attention-grabbing cover letter that will get employers on the phone ASAP. ...