now you're talking:这就对了剑桥词典英语释义:said when someone makes a suggestion or offer that is better than one that they have already made注:通常用来当对方说了一些让你不太认同,不太满意的话后,终于说了让你接受的提议look at you go:真棒啊注:这应该是非常口语化的表述,用于当你被某人在做的...
where it belongs where it was darkness where my hope where nowhere to hide where old times where organic food where restitution in where the day takes y where the facts based where the fields are where the hell are th where the wild roses where their leader where their poison ne where ...
welcome to hard times welcome to hell welcome to ign welcome to inquiry welcome to my world- welcome to nanjing me welcome to nokia welcome to phone shan welcome to relate welcome to select it welcome to shiyan welcome to the future welcome your call welcomea welcomemsgtxt welcomgroup rama ...
If you're competing with free, a good rule of thumb is that your product needs to be 10 times better than the free alternative. It's only by providing a massively improved experience that people will change their behavior. Tip Ask yourself: How imperfect is the free solution that my targe...
Just as a verb can be either dynamic or stative depending on the meaning, a verb can sometimes act transitive while at other times act intransitive. These are known as ambitransitive. For example, if you ask someone if they’re hungry, they might respond:...
Black defendants are ten times more likely to get a death sentence than whites. 司法部有一项统计显示:说是判罚量刑确实受到了人种因素的影响,黑人被判死刑的几率要比白人高上10倍都不止 - Doesn't mean we need to get rid of the death penalty, do we?It just means we need to kill more white...
UT1 is the most widely used type of Universal Time, and it is usually implied where times are stated simply as “UT.” It is a derivation of UT0 that takes into account polar motion. Astronomers generally use this flavor of UT to time their observations. It is also one of the two fu...
Opera makes browsing four times faster in Kenya with the installation of new local servers in Mombasa February 18, 2020 With unique features on its mobile applications and the installation of its new local servers, Opera is significantly improving the online experience of millions of Kenyans Opera...
So if you feel lonely at times, be sure to care about it. Here are some tips for you to avoid being lonely. Make time to meet people Maybe it seems that you don’t have time to meet new friends, but you need to consider your social life first. 1 You can even offer to take ...
why she had to do i d why shehad to go i do why should we stu why should we study e why so many times why so serious why uh why was she angry why we loved and were why why love why would you do it why you hate me amor why you need this wat whyd your department whywhy ...