(2014). Impact of farm management practices and agricultural land use on soil organic carbon storage potential in the savannah ecological zone of Northern Ghana. JDR, 9, 484–500. Google Scholar Boch, S., Allan, E., Humbert, J.-Y., Kurtogullari, Y., Lessard-Therrien, M., Müller, ...
If a researcher (iii) opts for it because it is the only test he has efficiency in, but being well aware of other possibilities, then he is in the gray zone between cases of clear misconduct and cases of bad science. In many kinds of experiments, it is hard to assess the outcome ...
Ideally, local faunas should be representative of species living in certain area at a certain time (i.e., from a single fossiliferous horizon); however, for historical and practical reasons, this is not always the case. Local faunas are then grouped into faunal units (FUs), which are ...
London: University of California Press. Beech, Dave, and John Roberts. 2002. The Philistine Controversy. London and New York: Verso. Boltanski, Luc, and Eve Chiapello. 2007. The New Spirit of Capitalism. London and New York: Verso. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1993. The Field of Cultural Production....