“WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS DONE IS PUT YOU IN THE OVAL OFFICE, HE’S MADE YOU A LIVING WITNESS TO HISTORY ALL WEEK!” @Bannons_WarRoom details what a historic, once-in-a-lifetime week this has been for the American people. “He put you in the room today for history!” pic.twitter...
In Preece v. Wetherspoon, an employment tribunal held that a pub manager was fairly dismissed for gross misconduct after she used Facebook during working time to make comments about two difficult customers. You say you had your privacy settings on? Sorry, Sweetie, not a defense. It's still ...
All information is presented without opinion, even the stuff I completely disagree with, because we MUST be open to looking at all angles if we want to understand these vastly complex issues. As always, this is a labour of love, but it aligns with an important message ...
Self-proclaimed professional bon vivant. Middle school Writing teacher. NYC is where I hang my hat. This is what's on my mind.
If so, and if you haveInstagram Shop, pin a button to the bottom of your broadcast to allow viewers to shop and check out online. This could get you more sales than if you only focused on selling to people who stop by your physical location during the limited time that it’s open. ...
By the time we invaded Iraq, polls showed, nearly three-quarters of the American people were convinced that the person responsible for the planes flying into the World Trade Center Towers was indeed Saddam Hussein. The rest is history — though, as Faulkner wrote, “The past is never dead....
By that time, I was in a small group of 6-8 photographers, some perhaps freelancers, others maybe working for local media, a ragtag group. I didn’t have an NYPD press pass – didn’t need one since I never reported from NYC – but I had a couple of MSNBC.com IDs on a chain ...
7. If I add it up, I get a reasonable amount of personal and leisure time. Most notably, I ran more than 25 miles, which fills a few hours. I counted some time walking through NYC on Thurs night as personal time. I went out to dinner with my husband on Saturday night. We watched...
Polls show Trump running stronger than he did in 2020 among Black and Latino voters, while Biden is holding his own with white voters, who tilted toward Trump last time. Generally speaking, white voters tend to skew older than other groups, particularly Latinos — who, especially as a share...
Once a serious factor in opinion polls, Kennedy has faded significantly — part of a broader third-party wipeout in a race that once looked to include as many as seven major candidates. Analysts are divided on whether dropping out would benefit Trump or have little material impact either way...