Judaism was no longer pure Judaism it was an adultered, corrupted Talmudic “Torah-Judaism” which strangled the spirit of the Law of Moses which was based on morals, love and compassion. Since Judaism in Christ’s time was polluted by “Torahism” (sounds similar to today’s farcical probl...
In the space of a very short time, his previously lukewarm and unfocussed attitude to Judaism had undergone a metamorphosis. He came to the conclusion that his previous stance had been profoundly in error. Now, he found himself increasingly drawn to what was in many respects a religious ...
At the time I wondered how it was that Desmond Tutu was showing up at so many of the same protests, conferences, and other events I was attending, promoting, or singing at. There was a lot going on, and at the time I didn’t know Tutu was actually living in the United States much...
Spiritism, not to be confused with Spiritualism, believes in the unity of science, philosophy, and religion. Spiritism was founded in France in 1850, by Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, also known as Allan Kardec. Approximately 15 million people worldwide practice Spiritism. 10. Judaism (0.18%) ...
Founded in 1919, Cao Daism is a monotheistic religion that combines Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, and Islam. Currently, there are over 2 million people practicing Cao Daism in Vietnam. Cao Dai Temple easily stands out from other temples on ...
This time marked the consolidation of lands controlled by authority of the pope, and thus the church’s power, into what would later be known as “the Papal States”. Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church during his earthly ministry around 30 A.D.....
It needs to be remembered that this sermon was Christ’s first utterance to the general public, who had been reared in a defective Judaism. It was possibly His first discourse to the disciples, too. His design was not only to teach Christian ethics but to expose the errors of Pharisaism...
(Zurvan literally means "time.") Thus they were primordially connected; the origin of the Two, which Zarathushtra had not specified, was revealed, and there was, in the deepest heart of Being, unity rather than duality. This doctrine, known as "Zurvanism," flourished along with mainstream ...
Storm is one of my all time favorite characters in comics. Definitely my in my top 3. For her to be called a PROP is disrespectful to the character, the writers who excelled at her, and her fans. She’s one of the strongest female characters in comics period. And she’s an African...
21 The symbol embodies the contradictory existence of the diasporic Jew as Israel’s Other: it proudly represents Judaism and Zionism, but is stained with derogatory anti-Semitic connotations from when it was used to identify Jews in the Holocaust (Yellow Badge), which are further stressed in ...