Itistimetostopeatingjunkfood! That'swhatBritishscientistssuggesttochildrenallovertheworld. Intheirnewstudy, ifchildrenhave a healthydietwith ___ freshfruit, vegetablesandricefromtheageofthree, theywillhavehigherIQs. Iftheyeat a poordietfulloffat, sugarandjunkfood, theirIQwillprobablybe ___· Scientis...
colours of foodC. sineI1oftfoodD. sin2e^fcosd()4. A. a bad habit B. a good dietC. a bad dayD. a good hobby()5. A. easy B.differentC.hardD.convenient()6. A. would like B. would ratherC.had betterD.had to 2【题目】It is time to stop eating junk food! T hat's ...
There's no one rule for when you should stop eating at night, but as a general guide you should have your last mealbetween one and three hours before you go to sleep. This gives your body time to digest your food using the energy it has left before it rests and avoids your body st...
(control)the amount(量)of sugar that you have every day. Take this medicine three 29. (time)a day and you’ll feel better soon,” said Dr. Smith with a smile. Hearing that, Uncle Sam made a 30. (decide)to stop eating sweet food. 2023/01/07 | 519次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教新...
It's time to stop feeling guilty about winding down with Netflix and a tub of popcorn. This complex carb can help you feel sleepy faster. Just keep it plain because adding a lot of butter, salt, or other toppings can be counterintuitive. Excessive salt can disrupt sleep, while excessive ...
G.Sweetscanbeapartofhealthyeatingifyouhavetherightamount(量). 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 (1)根据"Whatmatters(重要的是)ishowmanyyoueat."可知,此处应该说明关键在于吃的量多少,引出少量零食的好处,选项E"但有时吃一点小吃对你有好处。"符合语境。故选E。(2)C根据"Apiewithblueberriesisgoodforyourheart....
【题目】It is time to stop eating junk food! T hat's what British scientists suggest to childre n all over the world.In their new study, if children have a hea Ithy diet with ___ fresh fruit, vegetables an d rice from the age of three, they will have hi gher IQs. If they ...
More Trips to the Bathroom Less meat and morefiberfrom whole grains, raw fruit, and veggies may mean extra time on the toilet. Fiber makes it easier topoopby pulling water into yourcolon. This makes your stools softer. 5/10 Lower Risk of Diabetes ...
B.Haveadayoffandgoplayinganywhere. C.Learnandplaybyusingnaturalthingsoutside. D.Playontheirownwithouttheteachers?guidance. ( )2.Whydochildrenspendlesstimeoutdoors? A.Schoolsstopprovidingplaygrounds. B.Adultsignoretheimportanceofplaytime. 30分钟能力强化组合练(十四) 第54页 54 C.Parentsprefertohomeschoo...
For others, it’s eating takeout alone in the car after a tough day at work. Or a whole pint of black cherry ice cream just before bed. Wherever you sit on the spectrum, with time and the right help, you really can stop stress eating. ...