This acceptance of Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior must be confessed out loud before God the Father. It does not have to be done in a church. This can happen to anyone at anytime at any place. It can be done in the privacy of one’s own bedroom. Here are three specific ver...
What year was Jesus crucified? When was Jesus born, according to the Hebrew calendar? What year was Abraham born on the Hebrew calendar? What date is Christmas on Gregorian calendar? When was Jesus born on the Jewish calendar? Jesus Christ died at what age?
and NOT three days and three nights. According to the Christian Scriptures Jesus had failed a SECOND time. FIRST he was unlike Jonah, who was ALIVE in the belly of the fish, which is the exact opposite of what the Christians claim had happened to their master Jesus, who was DEAD for th...
The 24-centimeter (9.45-inch) piece of wood and 9-centimeter-(3.5-inch)-long nail are purported to be from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The wood fragment is kept in a glass case. The fate of the two relics is not known. In this May 2, 2013 file photo, Philippe ...
The correct answer is Cross. Crucifixion is symbolized by the cross, as it is the object on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The cross has become a powerful symbol in Christianity, representing sacrifice, redemption, and the ultimate act of love. It is often used as a religious symbol and...
Until God's time, Jesus Christ was betrayed by his disciple Judas, captured and interrogated, and crucified by Roman soldiers. Before he died, he predicted that he would rise again in three days.一直到上帝所安排的时候到了,耶稣基督被门徒犹大出卖,被捉拿、审问,被罗马兵丁钉死在...
What I mean is that each one of you says, I belong to Paul or I belong to Apollos, or I belong to PHAs or I belong to Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul in the year 1 0 7, Saint Ignatius of Antioch said the followi...
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Al...
God as a father seeks to make our relationship personal. He cares for you as an individual. Reasoning together means that there is talking and listening from both parties. The bible tells us that the tearing of the veil when Christ was crucified granted us access to meet with God. ...
And if they who do these things according to the flesh suffer death, how much more if a man corrupt by evil teaching the faith of God for the sake of which Jesus Christ was crucified? A man become so foul will depart into unquenchable fire: and so will anyone who listens to him” (...