We arrived in St Augustine in time on a Friday afternoon to pick up our sails from the Irish Sail Lady’s loft before she closed for the weekend. A sailing couple we’d never met before offered to pick us up with the sails and drive us back to the marina – how nice is that? But...
“HEAL-UH”. He would call out the devil that was loose inside the sinners. It was quite a show for a 12 year old girl child who lived within a block of a foot-washing Baptist church near St Augustine. The preacher at this Easter Sunrise services was a circuit preacher who made the...
Did you have a great time? Do you think you had a great time, but maybe can't remember exactly what happened for most of it? Perhaps you woke up one morning and realized you couldn't find your phone, your keys, your sunglasses; or possibly even your wallet....
Well, the best way to experience them is with Night Glow Paddleboarding by Epic Paddle Adventures. Even if you’ve never done standup paddleboarding before, the extremely friendly and fun team will have you up in no time to explore the lake. The best part is, as the sun goes down the...
57th Venice Biennale, 2017 (Latvia) - What Can Go Wrong.intl event.May 13, 2017 - Nov 26, 2017.Venue(s):Arsenale.Curator(s):Šteimane Inga.Artist(s):Fišers Mikelis.ARTLINKART is an online database project for Chinese contemporary art;
There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them. —Jo Walton 191 The reason I love the sea I cannot explain - it's physical. When you dive you begin to feel like an angel. It's a liberation of your weight. —Jacques ...
“…the day and the moment will come when even God seems to be saying ‘I don’t know you.’ At that time you will feel that you are utterly alone in all the universe. If under those conditions you still do not give up, but insist, ‘No matter what God thinks or what True Paren...
time trying to remain open, however, as cases of COVID-19 surge throughout the Gulf Coast states. Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has outlawed mask mandates in schools and has said he is “protecting people’s small businesses.” He also accused the media of “fearmonger[ing].” ...
HurricaneandTequila Sunrise.Throws will include 21 recipe cups, lighted martini glass beads, shot glass beads, and lighted ice cubes. Their signature barge was built 40 years ago in Spain. It will depart Friday, February 2 at 6 p.m. following Oshun on the Uptown parade route. Photo by ...