【题目】Time zones时区What time is it right now? What time is it in other parts of theworld? How do you know?There are 24 time zones(时区) around the world. In each timezone, it is a different hour of the day. The time zone that is east ofyour time zone is one hour ahead (...
Topic4:Time zones时区What time is it right now?What time is it in other parts of theworld?How do you know?There are24 time zones(时区)around the world.In each timezone,it is a different hour of the day.The time zone that is east ofyour time zone is one hour ahead(提前一小时).Th...
完整说法是“Have you got the time on you,mate?”,直译是“你身上带知道时间的东西没有?”,其实就是问别人带没带表,当然也就是问几点了。 例句 My stomach is growling, you got the time? 我肚子饿得咕咕叫了,请问几...
现在几点了,你可能会脱口而出一句:What time is it now? 但其实这句话是不太地道的,因为真正问现在几点的表达,一般不用加 now。现在几点了?虽然说 What time is it now?老外也会明白你的意思,可是我们学英语的时候还是要适当跳脱说中文的思维习惯,因为英语问现在几点了,可以直接说 What time is it...
吉米老师相信,有很多朋友肯定冲口而出: What time is it now?这不是地道的英语翻译,不符合其表达习惯,而是典型的受汉语思维影响的中式英语。老外当然也不是不能明白你的意思,但不会这样说。问题出在哪儿?多了一个 now 。因为问别人几点了,自然是指现在,不是昨天,前天,也不是明天或者后天。加上 now ...
【题目】Topic 4: Time zones时区What time is it right now? What time is it in other parts of theworld? How do you know?There are 24 time zones(时区) around the world. In each timezone, it is a different hour of the day. The time zone that is east ofyour time zone is one hour...
【题目】Topic4:Time zones时区What time is it right now?What time is it in other parts of theworld?How do you know?There are24 timc zones(时区)around the world.In each timezone,it is a different hour of the day.The time zone that is east ofyour time zone is one hour ahead(提前...
Come on and let me hear you say it now Right now What time is it Summer time It's our vacation What time is it Party time That's right Say it loud What time is it Time of our lives Anticipation What time is it Summertime School's out Scream and shout Good...
因为问别人几点了,自然是指现在,不是昨天,前天,也不是明天或者后天。加上now,纯粹是多余。 所以,正确的表达就是:What time is it? 如果你想更礼貌点儿,也可以加上个“请”:What time is it, please? 什么时候加now? 比如...
因为问别人几点了,自然是指现在,不是昨天,前天,也不是明天或者后天。加上now,纯粹是多余。 所以,正确的表达就是:What time is it? 如果你想更礼貌点儿,也可以加上个“请”:What time is it, please? 什么时候加now? 比如...