The most popular time to tweetis between noon and 1pm local time. At the other end of things, it is quietest from 3am to 4am. You’ll find the most activity on Twitter from 11am until 1pm each day. Note that this is a worldwide average, so it could vary if you’re trying to ...
Is that their fault? Probably not. Maybe the flight was totally booked... maybe they sat the blind guy in first class (they don't say), and prayer was exactly at that time- 6:23 CST for that day and the plane took off at 6:30 so it probably looked like they prayed and right ...
The most popular time to tweetis between noon and 1pm local time. At the other end of things, it is quietest from 3am to 4am. You’ll find the most activity on Twitter from 11am until 1pm each day. Note that this is a worldwide average, so it could vary if you’re trying to ...