A RussianProgress MS-30 cargo ship will launchto theInternational Space Stationtoday to deliver tons of fresh gear and supplies for the orbiting laboratory's astronaut crew. Liftoff is set for 4:24 p.m. EST (2124 GMT or 2:24 a.m. local time on Feb. 28). You'll be able to watch ...
Geise says Thomas Adams, in hisWorks(1630), includes the phrase: “The Devill hath Eleven poynts of the law against you; that is, possession.” This is the first confirmed example that associates “11 points of the law” with possession. Geise quotes other examples of the “11 points”...
An alternative etymology rivaled the “breastless” one in popularity in ancient times, but is not so well known today:a-+maza(“without barley bread”). The idea here is that the Amazons, as barbaric nomads, did not sow fields as the civilized Greeks did, so they were condemned to eat...