Steak n Shake wants what we wantMark Brown
Get theCopycat Steak 'N Shake Frisco Melt recipe. PHOTO: RACHEL VANNI; FOOD STYLING: TAYLOR ANN SPENCER 34 Sloppy Joes If you're craving a reliable, nostalgic, easy (and cheap)weeknight dinner, then there’s no debate: A sloppy Joes’ night is in order. Our tried-and-tested recipe use...
听力原文:MB What a fantastic rug, Karen. Did you buy it while you were traveling in India with your parents last year? WA No, I made it myself. MB You made it yourself? Thats incredible! How did you find the time to do something like that? WA Well, you
Friends and family members are giving me a hard time about my food choices. I don't need them to tell me what's healthy! C. A little less convenient. I don't mind preparing food myself. D. Limiting calorie-dense foods like beef. Rate this question: 5. Which diet have you already...
I don't think Kevin is going to be able to make it into the West Coast chat tonight, but the room is always open for anyone who'd like to talk about the episode in real time with other TWSS listeners. Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST Comments[20] Thu, 4 February ...
By the time we had gone down this peninsula (we missed it the first time and went down it on the way out instead) the museum wasn’t even open, so we merely drove to the private road at the end, turned around, and returned on our way. It’s hard to see much lake (or nature)...
Splash a bit more hot water into the saffron mortar and pour that in too (it’s too precious to waste). Allow this mixture to sit for 30 minutes and the almonds will impart their flavour to the liquid and the bread will soften. When the time is up, blend the contents to a smooth ...
I tell my fiancé lots of times through the day I love him (as he does to me), send romantic messages and notes, go on date nights, take time to look after myself and look nice/wear pretty lingerie etc (because it makes me feel good – making my boyfriend smile is an added bonus...
When you’re in a couple (or family) you can take turns wearing those hats, even if one of you does it most of the time, it’s rarely all of the time for all of the things. You have to get up for work no one is going to wake you up so set your alarm ok it’s time ...
Did you have a great time? Do you think you had a great time, but maybe can't remember exactly what happened for most of it? Perhaps you woke up one morning and realized you couldn't find your phone, your keys, your sunglasses; or possibly even your wallet....