“I remember the first time I saw a humpback whale; it just rose out of the water like some prehistoric creature and I thought it was smiling at us. You could still hear the operatic sounds it was making underwater.” The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by ...
SPOON: experimented for the first time sending in a legal opinion in a court case of a citizen who had started a legal procedure after his FOI-request for disclosure of a memo was dismissed. He had won in the first instance, but the municipality hired the most prominent government law firm...
They can deliver parcels on time, thanks to reliable location data that provides premise-level accuracy. Real estate: Real estate agents and businesses use address lookup services to share accurate listings with customers. Healthcare: Healthcare facilities, including pharmacies, dental clinics, ...
Mail (transitive) To pinion. Post To cover (a wall, for example) with posters. Mail A spot. Post To announce by or as if by posters Post banns. Mail A small piece of money; especially, an English silver half-penny of the time of Henry V. Post (Computers) To make (an electronic...
What Social Cases Does BLACKPINK Believe In? In 2021, the quartet used its star power to address one of the biggest issues of our time. After being appointed ambassadors for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, BLACKPINK briefly returned...
Basically, he gave himself to deliver this message at a time when it was unheard of; people were like, who is this Rasta man coming with this message? It was very hard; people couldn’t get it and didn’t want it, but they couldn’t stop it. Because as sure as the sun will ...
a fellowship to the Royal Society is the equivalent of a lifetime achievement Oscar.”It hasincluded eminent scientistsfrom Newton and Darwin to Boyle, Faraday, Einstein, Turing, Hodgkin, Peter and Rosemary Grant, Tickle, and personal scientific heroAlexander. And… Elon Musk. TheRoyal Society’...
Now Thames Water says it will not be able to deliver its turnaround plan if it does not receive more cash from shareholders. More than half of Thames Water’s debt is index-linked, according to rating agency S&P, burdening it with higher interest repayments as inflation soared over the pas...
Also, around this time, Lay sold 93,000 shares of Enron stock for roughly $2 million while telling employees via e-mail to continue buying the stock and predicting significantly higher stock prices. In total, Lay was eventually found to have sold over 350,000 Enron shares, with total procee...