If you have afixed home loan, however, you lock in the interest rate for a set period of time. If the RBA increases the cash rate along with your lender, your monthly repayments stay the same, whichcould save you money. Regardless, if the RBA lowers the cash rate and your lender fol...
TheReserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA)functions are set out by the country’s Reserve Bank Act 1959. The bank’s mandate is to ensure a stable currency,full employment, and the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia.23 The RBA’s monetary policy committee consists of the...
This week’s focus in Australia is the September jobs market, which will be announced at 12:30 am GMT on Thursday. The report is expected to show a decrease in employment to 25,000 from 47,500 in August, with some economists anticipating the unemployment rate to tick higher to 4.3...
"The Property Planner, Buyer and Professor" 158: How interest rate cycles have impacted the property market since 1990 when the RBA first started targeting the cash rate and some predictions on what will happen this time (Podcast Episode 2022) - Movies,
The Nature Conservancy photo contest 2023: Winners announced | CNN ‘I always wanted to be David Attenborough’: Björk on protecting salmon, going on strike and magical mushrooms | Björk | The Guardian An interview with Jerome Tagger: “I also see the chasm between w...
Most of your points are vague hand-waving but your very first point is a case: Spinetta does not recommend privatisation. I don’t happen to agree with its points (closing ‘unprofitable’ lines; I’ve had long arguments with Alon about that) while at the same time no organisation can re...