I know that people on the low-carb or Paleo diets don’t want to hear this, but the source of your protein really does matter. This recently publishedstudyfound anincreased risk of dying for those who consumed more animal productswho had one other lifestyle risk factor such as smoking, ph...
To be proactive, from Time to time I run bunch of queries on all of the databases in a loop to check what is the wait profiles from dba_hist_active_sess_history and v$active_session_history to see if we can optimize some of the work and offload those unnecessary I/O to unused CPU ...
However, non-specific CPP-mediated cell penetration into normal tissues can lead to widespread organ distribution of the payloads, thereby reducing the therapeutic efficacy of the drug and at the same time increasing the drug-induced toxic effects. In view of these challenges, we present herein a...
The definition of accessibility is based on a gravity model, which is conceived as a measure of the desire and ability of people to overcome distance or travel time to access a facility or activity [17]. Distance from the origin to an open space is still commonly measured with the straight...
The assumption is that the bus does not necessarily stop at every designated stop point; in most of the cases it stops only when there are passengers who need alighting or boarding. As a result, stopping at (almost) every bus stop, as may be the case at the time of an event on the...
What if Representative Ocasio-Cortez had a question on her racial self-identity where she could mark more than one race, that would allow her to "tell the story of her ancestors" while at the same time having a separate question where she would mark only one box to denote that her ...
With these methods auxin movement was measured as the amount of IAA transported between the donor and the receiver site of the plant segment over a defined period of time. It defined an auxin flux, while the quantification of radioactive auxin in several loci with an increasing distance from ...
In addition to real-time flood water quality monitoring, flood water quality can be simulated using models such as EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) [141] and Delft-FEWS [142] open data handling platform, which can be used to forecast water quality. The water quality models validated ...