Hello this thread is not active because the data in the files I posted were not accurate and caused a lot of trouble please go to the new thread were I corrected the data in this link thank you. Then it is simply: =MAX([@[Close Date]],TODAY())-[@[Created on Table1[Close D...
Introduction: In the realm of database health checks, performance and concurrency are paramount. As databases grow and applications scale, the need to efficiently test the health of a database connec... PublishedOct 27, 2023 Version 1.0 Jose_Manuel_Jurado...
in the nick of time:(非正式)及时,在最后紧急关头韦氏词典英语释义:just before the last moment when something can be changed or something bad will happen例句:He decided to go just in the nick of time.他决定在最后一刻离开。The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.救护车来得正是时候。注:...
in the nick of time:(非正式)及时,在最后紧急关头韦氏词典英语释义:just before the last moment when something can be changed or something bad will happen例句:He decided to go just in the nick of time.他决定在最后一刻离开。The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.救护车来得正是时候。注:...
Launch Your Ecommerce Business Today If you have a solid ecommerce business idea, now is the time to turn it into reality. Semrush has all the tools you need to succeed. Sign upto get started today.
I close the game out in task manager for the third time in a row and curse your name. That's what happens. Fix your broken, poorly optimized game!! It's sad. @EA_Darko@EA_David Hey@Pure_Funk_Nuggetwhen posting on AHQ please do so in a polite and constructive manner. ...
Today was no exception! This was My first trip to The Snoqualme Casino. My friend Robert Small decided to ride a long and keep me company. So I left Olympia at 4:45. (Note to self. Next time I split for Snoqualme leave @ 4pm instead)! It was a long 67 mile haul and I miss...
Truth be told, the playerbase has become mentally weak, today everyone wants instant gratification, they want bugs fixed yesterday, they don't want to die once in game, people rage out of being killed by shotguns in close quarter maps while they run around with the same weapon and it's ...
This past year, my intention has been “Love”…love of self, love of others, love of work, love of learning and travel and so much more. Love and time have brought me back to myself…brought me back to today. And the Joy workshop I did last weekend helped me to look at what ...
I think the Captain was really ahead of her time. Somehow she knew this whole self-esteem movement was a big sham, and the bottom would eventually fall out. Lead children to believe that they are THE BEST at everything, and watch them crumble when they meet a little criticism in the La...