doi:10.2139/ssrn.3918992CopyrightIntellectual Property RightsHuman RightsThis article delves on why the campaign by Cadbury was an affront to the authors intellectual property rights.Social Science Electronic Publishing
Patch now! Exchange servers attacked by Hafnium zero-days Zoom zero-day discovery makes calls safer, hackers $200,000 richer Android patches for 4 in-the-wild bugs are out, but when will you get them? Take action! Multiple Pulse Secure VPN vulnerabilities exploited in the wild ...
She makes pleasant conversation, but she's kind of a flake when it comes time for action. Flake A carnation with only two colours in the flower, the petals having large stripes. Flake A flat turn or tier of rope. Flake A corrupt arrest, e.g. to extort money for release or merely to...
Learn how Brand perception comes from customer use, experience, functionality, reputation and word of mouth recommendation.
Working as a social media manager for a large retail company, I really should know to not judge myself against the 1000’s of curated, photoshopped or stylised images out there but I still do. This Christmas I realised I had hardly taken any photos but had a lovely time which was a ...
Design Secrets: What Set Cadbury’s Bespoke Retail Display Apart? Also, having a collectible promotional product inside their product packaging adds excitement to every purchase.Collectible promosare a great way to motivate customers to purchase more so that they can complete their collection. Further...
Quickly searching Google, I found it hard to find a dairymen’s answer on this topic. Being an actual dairy farmer, I thought I would share this inside information. Just as a quick note, there is so much misinformation online on this topic. Most of it is being spread by animal rights...
Imagine it’s your birthday. Would you prefer a generic store-bought cake, or one that someone had taken the time to make properly, with the exact ingredients that you like, and your own name piped on the top instead of a perfect, machine-lettered, one-size-fits-all ‘Happy Birthday’...
New Cadbury’s Mask Ad Posted in UncategorizedI think it was shot by Ringan, although it has a vibe of Traktor circa 2000.I’d say it’s going to get the kids going potty, and that’s a good thing.The other good thing is that it’s batshit fucking crazy, and, ironically, we ...
C.He worked overtime. 2. What does the girl want? A.A sweater. B.A dress. C.Shoes. 3. Where is the man hurrying to go? A.To his office. B.To a meeting room. C.To the front desk. 4.What does the wo...