the "sense of responsibility and achievement will encourage you to stay away from your phone and focus on what's important in life".And Forest has received some good reviews from users,who say that's exactly what it does: "It's a phone game that gives you time rather ...
Note: you can add a Duolingo widget on your screen and it shows Duo’s face, which gets more...
First, phone s allow (允许) parents to get in touch with their kids easily. Parents can see their kids’ location (位置) and pick them up if there’s an emergency (紧急情况). Second is education (教育). An app like Duolingo helps kids learn Spanish and other languages. YouTube can ...
"An app like Duolingo helps kids learn Spanish and other languages. YouTube can also be a leaming tool when it's used properly. / Smartphones help kids communicate with friends 57. They should also go outside, make art, and spend time with family 58. I agree with John. Because it ...
When you launch the Wrapped app for the first time, it asks you to connect your Instagram account by entering your login credentials. Once authenticated, it shows you some juicy account stats, as shown below. The list of three accounts that the app curated as “Your 2023 top Friends” has...
It’s no coincidence that I flagged up Korean last year, as well, in my article on the 15 best languages to learn. If you didn’t catch it at the time, you can click the link below to read it now. Read more:15 Best Languages to Learn in 2020 ...
You’ve finished the entireDuolingotree—congratulations! But now you’re faced with the inevitable question – what to doafterDuolingo? If you want to keep improving after Duolingo and get the best return on your time, you’ll need to get a little creative and customize your learning experien...
The Celts as a people, as the word Celtic when applied to peoples is usually used, are Indo-European peoples who spread across the European continent, including western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia (in Asia Minor) during the time before the Roman empire. The word Cel...
“roleplay” mode that lets you practice using a language in different scenarios, like ordering coffee in French or making plans to go on a hike in Spanish. (Currently, those are the only two languages available for the feature.) The company says that GPT-4 makes it so “no two ...
lineup, so I think he came into his own down at the bottom of the lineup, which is what you usually do with young hitters. You bat them lowering the lineup to protect them a little bit. So I would think we’d see him move up perhaps in the lineup sometime during the 20...