The Times wrote before the election that weighting on recalled past vote would’ve made their polls worse in previous elections; it’s not immediately clear whether it would’ve helped this time. The adjustment is essentially a sledgehammer: Rather than target specific vote...
Pacific when the polls close. But in the meantime, we got a great question from Danny Adams on YouTube, who wondered why California has recall elections at all. Here, FiveThirtyEight copy editor Maya Sweedler and politics podcast host Galen Druke discuss how recall elections got passed into ...
Jonathan Toews lost.Not that Zach Parise isn’t just as charmingly handsome or likely to put his coat over a puddle so your shoes don’t get wet walking to his luxury car, but still. Jonathan Toewslost. He doesn’t… do that. Ever. Not since that ASG Skills Competition when he didn...
The Democrats are already gearing up to create court battles in many states of the Union the minute the polls close on election day.One columnist recently wrote"If the abuses continue, we may have reached the point that Jefferson foretold." He was referring to Jefferson's comment about the ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — They've got the keys to the offices, new paint inside, and parties to attend. But on Thursday, the work begins when 535 members of the new 116th Congress solemnly swear to govern the divided nation.
Interest in EU elections on the rise as polls project unprecedented shift to the right | EuronewsThe Nuclear Shadows of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Chinese Perspective – The Diplomat UN: Russia intensifies attacks on Ukraine’s energy facilities, worsening humanitarian conditions ...
Just weeks before the election, polls show President Trump trailing former Vice President Biden by a substantial margin. However, 2016 polls predicated a significant Clinton victory, failing to account for a number of Trump voters who turned up on election day. Does Trump still have a chance?
Its structure mirrored its ambition. Regional groups—North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific. Leaders handpicked, not elected. Membership: exclusive, invitation-only. Power concentrated in400 elite voices—politicians, business magnates, scholars, media moguls. Meetings behind closed doors. ...
The whole week has “been a crescendo building to her,”one close Harris ally told us last night. “This is a rallying cry, not a policy speech. This is the biggest stage she will have before Election Day to speak to Americans — not just Democrats.” ...
On the morning after the polls closed last week, America withdrew from the Paris agreement on climate change. The effects will be short-lived. President-elect Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the pact as soon as he enters the White House. ...