The Romans were a group of people who lived a long time ago and had a funny way of keeping count. They also had a penchant for crucifixion. Crucifixion was the best idea at the time for making people suffer and die. If you did it right, crucifixion could take four days to die from...
What year was Jesus born? History of Christianity: Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus Christ, was the founder of Christianity. His followers believe that he was the son of God and the virgin Mary. They also believe that he was resurrected after his crucifixion by the Romans. ...
John was in Jesus’ inner circle and present at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28). We know that John was with Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:26) and was entrusted with the care of Jesus’ mother, Mary. After the accession of Jesus and Pentecost, ...
Thought to have been born a few years after the crucifixion of Jesus around A.D. 37, Josephus was a well-connected aristocrat and military leader in Palestine who served as a commander in Galilee during the first Jewish Revolt against Rome between 66 and 70. Although Josephus was not a fol...
Most historians also agree that the witching hour was most likely linked to 3 AM, due to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Jesus perished around three in the afternoon, rendering 3 AM an inversion of that time. In short, any demonic or supernatural activity that occurs ...
passed over the sins previously committed [before Jesus’ crucifixion].26It wasto demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the One who justifies those who have faith in Jesus [and rely confidently on Him as Savior]....
And the death of Jesus on the cross was apparently a tweak in His plan that He added not long before His death occurred, because He was having such a difficult time convincing the primitive people around Him that in fact their lives would be eternal. They had seen people and animals die...
The sculpture represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Its shows his mother Mary holding him and he lays there dead. A very little detail that usually goes unnoticed is that Mary is not touching her son directly, but a cloth is between the two. This signifies the Higher Renaissance belief...
We are not called to keep lunar cycle these relate to feast days which are no longer binding as Jesus is the real passover Lamb. I think one thing that I would like some help on is the crucifixion weekend. When the Bible says that the sabbath drew on - the greek means dawn... any...
Jesus’ fate. Other moments in the story of Christ’s Passion represented include Pontius Pilate washing his hands atChrist’s Judgement, theWay to Calvary, where Jesus labours under the weight of his cross, theScourging at the Pillar, and, of course, theCrucifixionitself at the facade’s ...