What this paper addsP. AbrahamR. GodetM. HarbonnierD. LaneelleG. LeftheriotisN. Ouedraogo
What this paper addsE. BayarG. IlhanC. FuratC. AtikY. ArslanogluC. KuranB. OzpakM.E. Durakoglugil
Papers What is already known on this topic What this paper adds Discussion Endpiece It works in every country systolic than for diastolic blood pressure (z=4.53,P < 0.01). Likelihood ratios for systolic blood pressurelower than 90 mm Hg were less than 0.04, and thosefor systolic pressure...
“It?sextremelyimportantforustothinkaboutthisasawholesystemandnotjustthesumof abunchofindividualcomponents,”saidRobertWood,theHarvardengineeringprofessorwhohas beenworkingontheroboticflyprojectforoveradecade.Afewyearsago,histeamgotthegoaheadtostartpiecingtogetherthecomponents.“Theaddeddifficultywithaprojectlikethi...
Self-perception of competence has significant positive influence on human behaviour.What this paper adds Teachers who are more competent with DT are less likely to be compliant. Teachers who are compliant may not actually apply DT in teaching. It is essential for teachers to see the value ...
inlabour-intensivejobshis wholelife.Thisproves thatintelligencealone willnotleadtosuccessyou needhard work,support,financeandopportunities. Gladwelladds,“Noone—notrockstars,notprofessionalathletes,notsoftwarebillionaires,andnoteven geniuses—evermakesitalone.” 20 Evenafteryou?veputin your10,000 hoursofpracti...
Besides, eating fast food once or twice a week may be affordable, but doing this most days adds up. In conclusion, in spite of its convenience and taste, we should limit our intake of fast food for the sake of our wallet and healt...
Practitioner Notes What is already known about this topic Repeated and formative quizzing can help memory or knowledge retention. Gameplay can help student engagement, learning and flow depending on the game in question. What this paper adds Using mobile app‐based quiz‐games prior to an anatomy...
新目标大学英语(第二版)视听说教程第2册 徐锦芳课后习题答案 新 目标大学英语 (第二版 )视 听说教程第2册徐锦芳课后习题答案 PoSSible AnSWerS / 1∙ Read the following quotes. DiSCUSS in PairS and Share With each Other your UnderStanding Of these quotes. The four quotes highlight the beauty and ...
What this paper adds This study provides preliminary empirical evidence regarding university students' motivations behind the use of Wikipedia. Trust towards Wikipedia mediates the relationship between information usefulness and information adoption. Completeness and format of online information determine ...