1 Sodoingthingsdifferentlymighttakeabitofeffortatfirst,butyou?ll soonfeelthebenefits.Whetherit?slearningaskill,orvisitingsomewherenew,theseallrequire differentwaysofthinking. “Lifelonglearningrequiresustohaveagrowthmindset,toupsizeourknowledgeofthe world,”sayshealthcoachSusanSanders.“ 2 It?sthelearningthatm...
Even after submitting their college applications, students should remain focused in the classroom during their senior year with the goal of finishing high school strong. There's a sense of excitement about the future that comes with sending your college applications. Next comes...
colleges look at these to evaluate your readiness for their college. Additionally, many schools award college credit or placement if you score high enough on AP or IB exams.
"You can usually tell when a student is just adding things to add things," she says. "So it's nice when you can see they have really dived deep into an interest or gotten engaged in something that stretches their horizons a little bit." Challenge Yourself Experts advise college applicants...
One of the greatest things about summer school is that it gives you the opportunity to focus on one subject at a time, allowing you to delve deeper into the topics you are most interested in, and get inspired about the future. This can be particularly helpful for students who are looking...
Like many things in the college admissions process, it depends! As previously stated, not all high schools calculate GPAs in the same way. Some weight classes, some do not. Some don’t use a 4.0 scale. Similarly, colleges and universities weight and sort GPAs differently depending on what...
TheIANA handles the technical side of TLDs. They’re responsible for things likeadding or removing TLDs from the internet’s domain name system. Think of them as the behind-the-scenes wizards who keep everything running smoothly. On the other hand,ICANNis like the guardian of TLDs. Theyovers...
when choosing the right laptop for college, there are several things to consider. you should first decide what type of activities you will be using the laptop for – such as studying, gaming or media consumption – then decide how much power and storage space you will need accordingly. ...
I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 I think that things have become very gloomy these days,...
So you've decided to hire a college consultant to help your student in the college search. Here are six tips to help you find the right one for your...