在安全事故发生后,负有报告职责的人员不报或者谎报事故情况,贻误事故抢救,导致事故后果扩大,增加死亡( )人以上或者增加重伤( )人以上,或者增加直接经济损失( )万元以上的,应当认定为刑法第一百三十九条之一规定的“情节严重”。
I don’t do any of the major social media, but I have two sub-domains of the domain you’re currently reading: (a) You can read most of my reflexive stuff, especially politicalhere. (b) I also postsome thingson the only social medium I frequent, because people there are quirky, ple...
number of things that Yahoo did well. We thought that a communication from the CEO of the company set the right tone and it was written with a lot of authenticity. Sending an email from generic email accounts like the “IT help desk” would not have created the same level of goodwill....
This is a valuable exercise. I’d ask you to take some time this week to really consider some moments in your past, and, with the benefit of hindsight, see if you can figure out the things that were motivating you. After you have experience looking this way at times in your past life...
Any NPS below zero would be considered objectively bad. Having more people say negative things than positive things about your organization isn’t good, no matter how you slice it. If your NPS is significantly lower than your competitors, it may be a sign to re-evaluate your customer service...
"One of the key things that an employer is looking for is how long it takes for you to add value and contribute and, frankly, cover your cost," he says. Searching for a business school? Get ourcomplete rankingsof Best Business Schools. ...
Internet of Things.Internet of Things (IoT) technology brings networks of sensors, software, and other technology to bear to improve inventory management. For example, inventory can be equipped with sensors that monitor location and track temperature in real time, logging the results in an inventory...
4、Success is finding satisfaction in giving a little more than you take.?成功是付出比得到多,仍心满意足。 5、"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.?前方,有更美好的未来。" 6、Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.切记:无论成败,皆非定局...
These aren't things that one can touch, exactly, but it is possible to estimate their value to the enterprise. Intangible assets can be bought and sold independently of the business itself. There's also a key distinction in how the two asset classes are amended once they're on ...