Presents a chart which shows the cost of certain items in 1993 dollars for the years 1953, 1973 and 1993. Education at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard University; A gallon of gasoline; Movie ticket; New York City subway token; Television; Hospital; D...
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A look back at Sioux Falls from 50 years ago, when gas was 40 cents a gallon and a new house cost $25,000.
Imagine you're trying to raise money from a venture capital fund and you send them your pitch deck. One of the first things they'll do is consider the competitive landscape and make an assessment as to whether your startup is doing anything new, or at least different than existing competit...
Many companies don’t have written policies, and many that do tend to have general guidelines that leave some things open to interpretation. Standards and expectations also differ across industries and among employers within each field. Often, expectations regarding dress tend to be higher for employ...
We're all babes in managed code land. We're all still learning the ropes—including what things cost.When it comes to the rich and convenient .NET Framework, it's like we're kids in the candy store. "Wow, I don't have to do all that tedious strncpy stuff, I can just '+' strin...
We're all babes in managed code land. We're all still learning the ropes—including what things cost.When it comes to the rich and convenient .NET Framework, it's like we're kids in the candy store. "Wow, I don't have to do all that tedious strncpy stuff, I can just '+' strin...
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was campaigning for President, home canning jars and the Winchester rifle had just been invented, and the Pony Express was beginning its mail delivery service. The latest census showed that the United States had 31 million people, 77 of whom were killed that year in ...
Rosengarten said in today’s market, a retiree can dial down portfolio risk while earning about 5% per year on assets such as Treasurys that will still deliver a reasonable return. Here's what to know about the retirement outlook for 2024. READ: 7 Things Retirees Can Be Thankful for This...
Questions to ask a potential attorney-in-fact Here are some things to ask your candidates before you make your decision. Do you have any questions about what your responsibilities would be? Do you think you currently have time in your schedule to fulfill these responsibilities?