So don’t ever let anyone tell you that understanding repentance correctly is not important. That’s an infantile mindset. Repentance is one of the first things every Christian should learn about. Repentance is a foundational doctrine. It is very difficult to understand much about the rest of t...
These points serve as symbols for the things we at first sight considered random events; like Morgan's asthma, Merrill's baseball record, Bo's weird habit of leaving glasses of water around the house, and the insensible dying words of Graham's wife. 这些点代表我们最初认为是随机事件的事情,...
Not strict, you should still be able to do the things you enjoy. Rate this question: 10. How willing are you to devote yourself to your religion? A. I'm willing to pray/meditate/embrace my religion multiple times a day. B. I'm willing to pray/meditate/embrace my religion once a ...
In the entire Vedic library there is almost never a description of horoscopes in terms of planets in signs and houses. Such things are found only in highly interpolated texts or in relatively recent commentaries and works.11The 27 fixed stars and their deities are the actual backbone of interpr...
Sinful pride is refusing to recognize God’s sovereign role in everything. “Good pride” is recognizing that apart from God, you can do nothing (John 15:5), and, therefore, giving God the glory for the things you accomplish. In other words, anything that dethrones God from your heart ...
Conceptual allegories might also represent things such as sins, virtues, political movements, social discrepancies, or dangerous choices that society is collectively making. These stories always have strong thematic elements and powerful messages.
We cannot allow ourselves to get distracted by the things of this earth. Our soul, after all, cannot take its possessions on earth with it to the afterlife. It would be folly to strive to gain the whole world on account of losing one's soul. One soul's destination is of utmost import...
‘You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be, Because You have judged these things. 6For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, And You have given them blood to drink. For it is their just due.’ ...
is that the will can take many forms. Some people form extensive plans and stick to them no matter what, others prefer to leave things open-ended, and most of us are somewhere in between. There is no "right" or "wrong" place to be on this spectrum; people...
We’re sad because we are void of the joy of God’s Presence. However, as Echavarria explains, “No one can stay sad for long…[so] the person is forced to flee. Flee from what? …The person flees from things that have to do with God and falls into the vice of despair.” Msgr...