It will also spur the renewal of genuine politics after years of martial law and promote the consolidation of a genuinely democratic polity. In particular, it will guard against the resurrection of a corrupt oligarchy, which impoverished Ukraine from the time it gained independence from the Soviet ...
but it possessed and empowered all who were faithful to Jesus. Now the Messianic promise had been fulfilled among God’s people. As Peter points out in Acts 2, now the prophecy of Joel was accomplished. The gift of the Spirit on God’s people, which was...
And while Kanye and his wife were ultimately escorted off the red carpet and may yet be charged with indecent exposure it was apparent to anyone watching that this stunt accomplished exactly what it was intended for – attention and lots of it! Kanye at one time claimed to be a Christian y...
territory, subjects, and laws (for more information, see alsoThe Gospel of the Kingdom of God). To help us become part of that kingdom, God loved humans so much that He sent Jesus to die
After all you’ve accomplished, after all you’ve survived, you really still wish you were dead? JONAH: I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish I’d stayed at home and never even heard the word Nineveh. And that’s what I told God. SAILOR: And what did God say? JONAH: ...
but that can’t be true if there is no resurrection of the dead. If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless, and you are still under condemnation for your sins. In that case, all who have...
To propose, as an aim, to one's self; to determine upon, as some end or object to be accomplished; to intend; to design; to resolve; - often followed by an infinitive or dependent clause. Did nothing purpose against the state. I purpose to write the history of England from the acces...
We believe the gospel is the good news of what God has graciously accomplished for sinners through the sinless life, sacrificial death, and bodily resurrection of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, namely our forgiveness from sin and complete justification before God; this gospel is also the ...
Anyway, my ONE TASK which I came to complete is now accomplished. I’ll have decent online access down and up for whatever time I have this place. And now for something completely different. San Luigi dei Francesi. This is very cool. The new SecTransport was sworn in by Justice Thomas...
Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done; Saying: 'My counsel shall stand, And all My pleasure will I do';Brenton Septuagint Translationtelling beforehand the latter events before they come to pass, and they are accomplished together: and I ...