In medicine, the term pulse rate refers to the number of pulses generated by the heart’s activity in the blood vessels during a specific unit of time (usually one minute). As a rule, the pulse rate coincides with the heart rate. Various factors, such as exercise, stress or certain dise...
Why is the normal resting heart rate actually slower than the natural pace of the SA node? Why can the heartbeat be detected as a pulse? 1.)Pulse rate while lying down: a.) Why does it change from the standard pulse rate while at rest? b.) Pulse rate while ...
What are the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system on blood pressure? What is the normal pulse rate? 1. 12-20 2. 15-20 3. 60-100 4. 50-80 Would the effects of exercise on blood pressure and heart rate be greater in a well-conditioned individual (such as athlete) or ...
If you have a faster-than-normal heart rate (your heart beats more than 100 times per minute), you have what doctors call tachycardia. It’s not always a bad thing. Exercise, for example, can push your heart rate above 100 bpm. However, you may require medication to slow your heart r...
If your resting heart rate does not fall in the normal range as listed above, does it always point to a bigger medical condition? When your heart rate is irregular Medically coined asarrhythmia, this is when your heart rhythm is abnormal. It does not necessarily mean your heart is beating ...
A NORMAL RESTING heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Having a heart rate in that sweet spot is important because it decreases the demand on your heart muscle. That means it doesn’t have to work as hard as it would if it were out of that zone, says Kate Traynor, ...
What is The Normal SpO2 level? What Level of SpO2 is Dangerous? Healthy adults typically have oxygen saturation levels between 95% and 99%, and any pulse oximeter readings below 89% would usually be a cause for concern. General Pulse Oximetry Information ...
Yourpulsevariesdependingonyourage,leveloffitnessandhowactiveyouarebeing.Arestingpulseisusedinpracticetorecordrate.Thepulserateneedstobetakenover1fullminute.Thenormalheartbeat Terminology Slowpulserate<60b/min=bradycardiaFastpulserate>100b/min(resting)= tachycardiaIrregularpulse–relatedto...
What's the normal heart rate for an active adult? I have a normal resting heart rate (it's usually around 80), but when I am active (walking up stairs or jogging), I feel like my heart rate goes up a lot. I can actually hear my heart pounding. It scares me. ...
Heart rate, also known as pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. A normal heart rate depends on the individual as well as a variety of factors.