What the hell???赛马娘-东海帝王 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1.9万 7 0:19 App 啊??? 374 -- 7:25 App MEME#8笑了你会参加宝贝来了的meme 21.9万 33 0:34 App 不用切!直接吃! 394 -- 6:22 App 迷因(meme)币是什么?下一个百倍币在哪里?了解下币圈的迷因文化,看看mem...
what the hell goofy argenby发消息 一个由60%抽象 35%水分 2%蛋白质 2%脂肪 1%无机物组成的优质up主 什么?你还没关注?那还不快点关注我! 关注3.2万 难绷meme 1/12 创建者:不定时更新的CN_pep 收藏 25.9万播放 片头 16.6万播放 Dog sniff meme ...
deimos is 12 and dont know what meme is Logged Org Bay Watcher Daring Hero Re: What the hell is this? « Reply #21 on: April 11, 2010, 06:41:39 pm » So, I need help casting spells.Help? Logged Karnewarrior Bay Watcher That guy who used to be here all the time Re: What...
I just want to see if this will make any difference. I’m sure I’ll change to the better, but not to the point where I can interact and socialize normally with people ( I don
selling for millions of dollars. The company behind the series of NFTs hascreated a spin-off cryptocurrency,broken the blockchainfor a few hours with how popular one of their sales was, and evenacquired other massive NFT brands. And a reminder: this all happened because people really like say...
It was already the gaffe of the day. Biden might have led a successful NATO conference but it was a meme-tastic moment to define his performance for the screen-scrolling generation, the very one he needs onside. As it happened:President did little to quell ...
the good fight for national legalization here in America rages on, the lyrics are still as relevant as ever. “Straight people don't know what you're about / They put you down and shut you out / You gave to me a new belief / And soon the world will love you, sweet leaf.” (KI...
This is the text of the talk I gave on Saturday at the Secular Student Alliance Northern California Regional Leadership Summit. I want to talk today about what the atheist movement can learn from the gay/ lesbian/ bi/ trans movement...
1, I will bracket this issue here. Though not yet in the sense of a full domain-general intelligence; cf. Lyre (2020) and the foregoing. Based on the above remarks on carbon chauvinism and implementation, one may thus of course speculate that a machine which realizes some hypercomplex, ...
I wasn’t trying to debate the future or claims of what will or won’t happen, just the actual data points of what has happened and where we are.My original comments were focused in on the Fail Fail Fail statement that the original commenter put in. I am not trying to debate with ...