I had started thinking about her again in the last couple days. As always I remember what her name on the memorial is – Grace Alegre Cua. A South Tower casualty. At the time I had tried to look her up in the lists being published on TV and internet, with pictures of the missing. ...
The friend wasLen Kendall(one of the founders ofthe3six5.com). First, he mobilized hundreds of people by inviting them to a Facebook event. This was his venue to explain his plan to propose to Katie using aninternet meme. The FB event also opened up a venue for discussion (and a li...
On the other hand i don't really understand the more mundane Simulators like Gras Mowing Sim (you do that in House Flipper too and it's the more annoying part) or Power Wash (again, you can do that in House Flipper as well), they are too limited in their scope. I don't get why...
2– My musical catalogue has grown more and more schizophrenic with age. For every wacked out Patton side project I pick-up there’s an old showtune added to my IPOD. I don’t know if the one is some kind of desperate pre-midlife-crisis reaction to the other, or if I’m just that...
Who hasn't sat on their couch waiting for their crush to respond to plans or a meme you sent hours ago? Sure, the other person might be tied up at work, but if time goes on and on without a ding in sight, you’re allowed to feel a little off about it. "Frequency of communicati...
People Have Pointed Out 33 Places In The World They Are Super Confused About, And Maybe You Can Help To be honest, I've always wondered what the heck happens in that little sliver of Oklahoma too. by Matt Stopera BuzzFeed StaffThere...
this, to me, is the humanitiespic.twitter.com/s7lQV30X9r — Gerry Canavan (parody) (@gerrycanavan)January 19, 2023 Written by gerrycanavan November 5, 2023 at 2:42 pm Posted inLook at what I found on the Internet Tagged withacademia,banned books,Game Studies Study Buddies,Marquette,my ...