4.the heck = the hell 例:The house is a mess , what the heck happened ? I mean What the heck is it anyway ? (第31集) 1.It's just that I got a little bit sidetracked.(片中) sidetracked 分神, 偏离既定目标例:Peter thought he would go to college right after high school , but ...
what the heck bro你们驯龙高手也吃书吗龙1番外亲衣节砸断尾翼也要留下来龙3番外亲衣节嗝叫你你甚至不转头甚至不能让我产品见上一面 [微笑]整个番外嗝都不知道是他的bud回来了无牙也不说 [微笑]吗做的什么b东西...
In the industry, this is called a two-hander, as there are only two speaking parts - not counting the slyly intrusive airport PA announcer (credited as Hal Liggett?) - and the two characters carry on a conversation for most of the run time. Ms. Ryan wrote the script with Steven Dietz...
These are really helpful. I’m grateful to you. God bless you! Waseem malik Hi there, thanks for the lesson!!. I’ve got a question, Emma. I’ve also heard the word “HECK”— certanly less times than heck— (“what the heck”, “who the heck”, and so on). Is this word ...
And now we are all completely confused as to what the heck is happening. If we don't want to have to switch to using a different text messaging app if we don't have to, because it's a pain in the rear, and my parents are in their 70s and do not do w...
Instead, I stood there in helpless and impotent rage, wondering what the heck was wrong with me. —– The other day I saw the movie “Age of Adeline”. I picked the film because of its interesting premise: it’s about a woman who, for some strange reason, stops aging at the age ...
The tension builds and builds as you wrap up your workout until—yep, it’s happening: You’re full-on orgasming on your sweaty-ass mat, surrounded by dozens of people. Now you’re lying on the ground, panting and confused, thinking: What the heck just happened?
toprotectthefateofallofthem. 但你却不知道她的故事 Butyoudon'tknowherstory. 从疯狂泰坦的女儿到多重宇宙战争冠军 FromthedaughterofaMadTitantothechampionofamultiversalwar, 葛摩菈成为自己故事中英雄的历程 Gamora'spathtobecomingtheheroofherstory 是从别人的故事开始 ...
1-Prospective cohort studies were the sole source of information. What the heck is that? From our good friend Wikipedia: “Aprospective cohortstudy is a longitudinalcohortstudy that follows over time a group of similar individuals (cohorts) who differ with respect to certain factors under study,...
What are you talking about, old man? Stop messing with me. I gotta watch this movie. I’ll call you later.” “No, listen. That’s not it. They said you got caught in the park doing uh….” “Doing what?” “Lewd acts with uhh...” “Lewd what? With who?” ...