FROG is "Offensive word for a French person"FROG Definition / FROG MeansThe definition of FROG is "Offensive word for a French person"The Meaning of FROGFROG means "Offensive word for a French person"So now you know - FROG means "Offensive word for a French person" - don't thank us.Y...
In Response To: Toast Posted on July 21, 2020 There is something to be said about learning to find joy in small things. Today I made the perfect piece of toast (at least to my standard of what the perfect piece of toast should be). The bread was golden like some sort of Midas-...
Over the years, I’ve tried to do something a little different around the book of Jonah each year, including short plays, musical parodies, and testimonies from people who have experienced being “in the belly of the fish” in their lifetime. A piece by one of my favorite artists, Isaa...