What the Bible Says about GodRobert F. Hicks
And for those who are the managers or bosses of others, we should see our humane and constructive relationship with those who answer to us as a mandate and a privilege. The Bible warns those who are not working enough (“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands ...
What People are Saying About Us... Tim Keller The Theology of Work Project is providing desperately needed resources to pastors and the entire church on what the Bible has to say about our work. Making It Work listener I'm so appreciative of this podcast. It has prepped my heart for the...
The next morning, I went to Biblegateway.com and typed “love” into their search engine. The following are the many verses I found that describe God’s love for us. My prayer is that as you read through them you will see God’s heart and the amazing love He has for you, His belo...
research direction Delgado says is important is looking at how COVID-19 and working from home has affected people’s attachment to their companion animals. Researchers in her field started surveys early on in the pandemi...
In Isaiah 40:1-11 we read how the Lord God of Israel wants to deliver His people. The Lord does not give up on us because of repeated sinning, but is always
What The Bible says about ...BeheadingThe BhagavadGita The Bible seems to approve of beheading -- at least when its heroes do it to their enemies. Here are some examples. Gideon And they took two princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb ... and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to...
This is the baptism that the Bible is talking about when it says that there is only one baptism. However, what the charismatics are referring to is a second experience where the Holy Spirit now comes up and enters into your soul. Your spirit has already been baptized with the Holy Spirit...
为了得出圣经对喝酒的一个全面和平衡的认识,我把这个查经分为说允许喝酒的经文和说禁止喝酒的经文。 允许 摩西律法允许把十一奉献的一部分拿来买酒喝。 “又要把你的五谷、新酒和油的十分之一,并牛群羊群中头生的,吃在耶和华你神面前,就是他所选择要立为他名的居所。这样,你可以学习时常敬畏耶和华你的神。当...
Surely our understanding of this remarkable characteristic must be askew! Bible commentators generally agree that modern man, living in our Western, Judeo-Christian cultures, lacks this godly attribute. Meekness, being a fruit of the Spirit, is an attribute of God Almighty Himself and important to...