Since the main purpose in the spiritual sense for our physical existence is to exercise that choice, the choice we make is of far greater importance than the physical existence that provides the opportunity to choose. Is the Bible specific concerning the choice to accept the Mark of the Beast ...
Instead, I thought about what the Bible said about heaven, and more to the point, what the Bible says about our Big Blue Marble. The Bible describes the fall of Lucifer, his sin, and his ejection from heaven, together with the third of the angels who rebelled with him. When they were...
In my Bible study with my church recently, we talked about Acts 4-5, which include the account of Ananias and Sapphira being immediately struck down for their deception in selling land and donating the proceeds. This passage raises some interesting questions, and I am curious about its implicat...
Work ethic Decision-making Planning Self-motivation Patience What are soft skills? Soft skills are personal strengths that help you collaborate, lead, create, and grow in your role. They're the perspectives, reactions, and mental frameworks you use that aren't exclusive to your job. Don't co...
This helps you to maintain employee engagement, boost work ethic and increase productivity in the workplace. Reduce time spent on processing. With hourly employees, you just need to pay according to the number of hours he has worked over the past two weeks. Overtime work is easier to calcula...
2ndwho taught me to read, the Mackley brothers, Ray and Ivan, in 4thand 5thGrade, one who taught me geography and one who taught me fractions. And by the way, most of my elementary school experience included starting the day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Bible verse read to us...
In my first semester at Dallas Theological Seminary, the list of classes included “Bible Study Methods,” then taught by “Prof” Howard Hendricks. His had been one of several names that graced the shelves of my father’s library, so I was excited to learn firsthand from this master of ...
He has tried to put money in the Communion plate and referred to the sacrament as “my little wine” and “my little cracker.” He mispronounced a book of the Bible, and when asked about his favorite verse, has either deferred or, in one case, cited“an eye for an eye,” an Old ...
believe in the biblical Jesus as the Christ portrayed in the Bible—He who alone is the Savior, nor the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration preceding faith, nor of election as the primary cause of a person’s salvation, nor of the absolute decrees and sovereignty of God, ...
Another code of ethic that is important to me is to exhibit generosity. This code of ethic is not only based on my religious belief but it is morally right. The bible states that God loves a cheerful giver; it also states that one should give and God will see others give to you. I...