What the Bible Says about the Last ThingsRobert F. Hicks
The Lord God says through the prophet Isaiah that He will come to get His people (Isaiah 40:10-11) and the reason is the Lord is not defeated by Israel’s sin. God’s desire is for restoration and we note how this restoration is possible because God’s Word stands forever, God...
The Bible says that “we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2 NIV). Jesus explained to the religious leaders of His day, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:29-...
Work is built into the created order of things. The Bible has much to say about the dignity of work, which helps us to see our labor as more than “just a job.” And, of course, we should keep in mind the labor of many who may not receive a paycheck for what they do, but ...
Let’s take a closer look at what humility is, what the Bible says about humility and how we can pray for an increase in humility.
为了得出圣经对喝酒的一个全面和平衡的认识,我把这个查经分为说允许喝酒的经文和说禁止喝酒的经文。 允许 摩西律法允许把十一奉献的一部分拿来买酒喝。 “又要把你的五谷、新酒和油的十分之一,并牛群羊群中头生的,吃在耶和华你神面前,就是他所选择要立为他名的居所。这样,你可以学习时常敬畏耶和华你的神。当...
We all know the saying, "A borrow is a slave to the lender." There are many articles about borrowing money. But, I want to address the Lender. Here are
patches that look lacy could be lichen planus, which means your immune system is attacking the tissues in your mouth. If you see hard, flat, white areas that can’t be scraped away, it could beleukoplakia, which is linked to cancer. Let your dentist know about any white patches you see...
What The Bible Says About Our Tongue An uncontrolled tongue is like a little fire. It is so powerful it can set a whole forest aflame! In the tongue is a very world of hurt. Opposed to God and filled with unrighteous works. It is a small part of our body, yet it defiles our whol...
E.After that, you may want to give up the early-to-bed plan. F.But if you get fun from your exercise or study, you’ll keep longer. G.All in all, you should give all the facts or information about something in your plan. 2023/06/19 | 898次组卷 | 5卷引用:2023年山东省枣庄市...