What the Bible Says about the ChurchRobert F. Hicks
“Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” But the law is not of faith, rather “The one who does them shall ...
We long for the comfort of knowing we will see our loved ones in heaven. The Bible says that multitudes will gather around God’s throne in heaven, but it’s challenging to explain heaven in ways our natural minds can understand. The Bible says that “we shall be like him, for we sha...
Popular culture depicts the End of the World differently than what the Bible tells us. The best way to prepare is not to store up food, water, or resources. Rather, it is by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Verses that Illustrate how the Bible does not Support the Concept of Karma Introduction to Isaiah 40:7-12 In Isaiah 40:1-11 we read how the Lord God of Israel wants to deliver His people. The Lord does not give up on us because of repeated sinning, but is always calling us bac...
为了得出圣经对喝酒的一个全面和平衡的认识,我把这个查经分为说允许喝酒的经文和说禁止喝酒的经文。 允许 摩西律法允许把十一奉献的一部分拿来买酒喝。 “又要把你的五谷、新酒和油的十分之一,并牛群羊群中头生的,吃在耶和华你神面前,就是他所选择要立为他名的居所。这样,你可以学习时常敬畏耶和华你的神。当...
Work is built into the created order of things. The Bible has much to say about the dignity of work, which helps us to see our labor as more than “just a job.” And, of course, we should keep in mind the labor of many who may not receive a paycheck for what they do, but ...
Book Review: Scot McKnight, It Takes a Church to Baptize: What the Bible Says About Infant Baptism The industrial processing of cassava to obtain starch generates a great variety of residues, with bagasse being the main solid residue produced. The improper disposal of this material represents an...
Check out what the Bible says about Hillary Clinton when using her REAL name!!! John 11:35 Jesus wept. Isaiah 3:8-12 For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their deeds are against theLord, defying his glorious presence. For the look on their faces be...
We all know the saying, "A borrow is a slave to the lender." There are many articles about borrowing money. But, I want to address the Lender. Here are