God’s people are going to start to exercise rule, and they’re going to take dominion over the Power of Satan. They’re going to bring diabolical princes down. . . . As the rod of His strength goes out of Zion, He’ll change legislation. He’ll chase the devil off the face of ...
Every single sin, every failure, every flaw was nailed to the cross. My Son bore all of your sorrow and defeat. Through His sacrifice you can come boldly before My throne of grace. Every sin, past, present and future has been destroyed in the holiness of the cross. Be the overcomer I...
Further, let's get this point straight and plain right here — ETERNAL LIFE is not something you can earn, it is GOD'S GIFT through Christ! That is the plain teaching of YOUR BIBLE! You earn wages. The only wages you can earn is DEATH. Your Bible says that. We say that. But our...
First let me ask — and answer the question "What is true Christian conversion?" "What is a real Christian in the sight of God?" Does joining a church make one a Christian? Does saying, "I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour" make one a Christian? Let's get the Bible def...
After creating man, the Bible tells us in Genesis 2 that God planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and put the man (Adam) into the garden he planted. Over the years many have wondered what the Garden of Eden represents and they have also questioned wher
God promises the "overcomers" in Revelation 2 and 3 to restore all that was lost in the fall ( Romans 2:7 Romans 2:11 Romans 2:17 Romans 2:26 ; Romans 3:5 Romans 3:12 ). In sanctification, the believer is simply applying the implications of his or her justification. The Holy ...