Greed (Latin: avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony,a sin of desire. ... As defined outside Christian writings, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially with respect to material wealth. What does ...
The Bible uses various Hebrew and Greek words which translate into the English word, “Hell.” These includeHades,Tartarus, andSheol, for example—all of which have different meanings. But the Hell which my book discusses is the place Christ referred to asGehenna—that abominable “lake...
According to Webster's dictionary, the word iniquity meansgross injustice, wickedness or sin. ... The Bible says that through one man, Adam, sin entered the world. We know this from the story in the Bible about Adam and Eve in the garden. Vaunt Meaning 15 related questions found What d...
The most interesting scene is the picture of Gluttony in the tavern, where he stops on his way to the church. The interior of a Medieval tavern is described with life- like vividness. Gluttony’s fellow drinkers are not allegorical figures, but real common people in 14th century England....
“Someone’s father purchases a goat, and this goat starts a cavalcade of anguish and gluttony, with animals, objects, people, and supernatural beings all dragged into the all-consuming whirlpool of the song. The entire universe changes, and it is all because of one goat, and it has been...
Do we promise the gluttony of the Millennium? Do we declare that the Jewish animal-sacrifices shall be restored? Do we lower men's hopes again to the Jerusalem below, imagining its rebuilding with stones of a more brilliant material? (Gregory of Nyssa. Letter 17 to Eustathia, Ambrosia, an...
Just as a quick note, there is so much misinformation online on this topic. Most of it is being spread by animal rights groups. It seems that they want you to believe that dairy farmers don’t care about the male calves since they don’t produce milk. This couldn’t be further from ...
The EEN argues that ecological degradation is a direct result of human sin, including the gluttony of overconsumption and materialism. They cite the fate of Adam and Eve as evidence that sinful behavior causes collateral damage to the world around us: ...
Second, you are not alone wondering what to do when adult children won’t leave home. This is probably one of the top 5 questions I get asked.Adult kids staying at home is alarmingly on the rise. Just last night I was talking to a woman who was telling me about her 55 year old br...
(validation), disapproval, addiction, abuse, denial, pride, gluttony, sloth, folly, revelry, struggle, entertainment, success, sacrifice, surrender, tears, relationship, harm, wounds, bondage, resistance, inhibited, uninhibited, gossip, perversion, long-suffering, sabotage, humiliation, isolation,...