What the Bible Says about the ChristianRobert F. Hicks
1 Peter 3:16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 1 Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of th...
Book Review: Scot McKnight, It Takes a Church to Baptize: What the Bible Says About Infant Baptism The industrial processing of cassava to obtain starch generates a great variety of residues, with bagasse being the main solid residue produced. The improper disposal of this material represents an...
圣经关于饮酒 为了得出圣经对喝酒的一个全面和平衡的认识,我把这个查经分为说允许喝酒的经文和说禁止喝酒的经文。 允许 摩西律法允许把十一奉献的一部分拿来买酒喝。 “又要把你的五谷、新酒和油的十分之一,并牛群羊群中头生的,吃在耶和华你神面前,就是他所选择要立为他名的居所。这样,你可以学习时常敬畏耶和...
We should also remember that for those who do not know Christ, suicide will not be the end of suffering that they are hoping for, but will be the start of an eternal suffering. As much as we are able, Christians should want to allow as much opportunity as possible for those in the ...
” However, when we look at the whole of Scripture and consider what the Bible says about love, we can see that a physical attraction and a superficial “love” based in surface level information is not anything like a Christ-centered love which is the true foundation for a healthy, godly...
The Bible tells us the end of the world will not come until the end of the 1,000-year reign of Christ known as the Millennial Reign of Christ, this is why we use the phrase "end times". They are on-going events that we need to watch for signs of....
The Last Judgment or The Day of the Lord is part of the eschatological world view of the Abrahamic religions and in the Frashokereti of Zoroastrianism. Some Christian denominations consider the Second Coming of Christ to be the final and infinite judgment by God of the people in every nation...
1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 1:20 Who verily was for...
It must have been comforting to hear from the Lord Jesus Christ: c’mon, take a break. That is a message many of us in this high-pressured world need to heed. Sometimes we honor God not be doing more and more, but by taking a break—at God’s command. And then there is the ...