In the first part of the episode (01:12-09:51), Tim and Jon talk about what the Bible says about money. On one hand it says it’s the root of all evil––kind of intense. But on the other hand it also talks about ways to use your money to bless others. How does the Bible ...
Forgiveness itself is defined asthe letting go of sin. In the Bible, this includes forgiving everyone, every time, of everything, as an act of obedience and gratefulness to God. It acknowledges the sacrifice God made through His Son Jesus who died to restore the relationship between God and ...
What does the Bible says about violence? I believe that those who are Christians should have a deeper understanding of the roots of violence. The media coverage of the school shootings, for instance, is shockingly shallow. It centers on gun control—an important issue ...
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. One of the ways that He will do this is by guiding your thoughts into what the correct answers are as you are trying to figure something out. He will also communicate to you through the inner knowing. But these inner ...
Don’t get swept away with the exciting notion that your soulmate has arrived. Check what the Bible has to say about soulmates first.
If not properly handled, money and the love of that money can become like a cancer where it will start to slowly eat away at your soul and your personal connection with the Lord. The Bible tells us that it is not the money itself that is the root of all kinds of evil, it is the...
Editor's Note:This is a general collection of what the Bible says about divorce; it does not presume to give advice for specific relationships resulting in divorce. If you are in an abusive relationship or would like to read more articles on divorce please see our suggestions below: ...
When it comes to what the Bible says about money, people tend to have very extreme views. Here are two examples of erroneous perspectives on what the Bible has to say about money: The Bible says that we should sell everything and give it all to the poor and live like monks. ...
Words have the power to build up and to tear down. The Bible says that our tongues are a world of iniquity. We bless God out of one side and curse Him out of the other side. Wegossipand bad mouth people made in God’s image, but we can also build them up with a few choice w...
When we look at what the Bible says about true Christian love (1 Corinthians 13:4-13), we can see that “love at first sight” is not at all in the same category. Rather than condemn love at first sight, however, I think it would be wiser to just make sure that we are clarifying...