The actual total may be significantly smaller, as some of the grants, which included evaluations of how the government spends education funds and efforts to improve math and reading instruction, had already been paid out. Also canceled were census-like data collections that track student progress. ...
The University of Melbourne, a prominent institution often hailed for its academic excellence, has increasingly become a hotbed of hypocrisy, a supposed bastion of higher learning now entrenched in leftist dogma. The university’s administration appears to be wielding its power to stifle voices that ...
We humbly apologize to all religious conservative thinkers for the need to even say these things, but the Hard Left is what it always was, the New Leftist Liberals are what they are, and the Internet is what it is. "Clickbait" advertising links are not acceptable for posting here. If ...
Covering up crimes and atrocities this outrageous by shifting the focus onto the authenticity of specific pictures when there is ample evidence this is in fact the actual situation is nothing less than genocide denial. We refuse to adopt this as our principle. We do not miss the forest for th...
RICHARD WOLFF: It’s the history. It’s the history of the Democratic Party. It came out of the Great Depression with an enormous left-wing, progressive, I would argue, majority. I mean, Franklin Roosevelt is the most leftist of our presidents. And he was re-elected three...
being equal, I’d pick a pro-life candidate over a pro-choice one, but the other things are seldom equal. That’s especially true in these times of political realignment in which the Democratic Party is moving backtoward the centerwhile Republicans embrace their radical (andsomewhat leftist) ...
Leftists took over the education system, pounding leftist propaganda into impressionable young minds. In the 1970’s, Ivy-League universities like Yale and Harvard were turning out young Marxists faster than the Soviets were. They dominated the political scene until their children came of age. ...
The letter \(L\) is taken from another interesting article on 10-adic number representation, namely [20] and comes from “Leftist numbers”. Note that in [20] elements of \(L\) can have finitely many digits after the decimal point (in the further course we will also allow this). This...
The first phase of American intervention in Latin America began during the Cold War with the CIA-sponsored coup d'etat in Guatemala in 1954 that deposed the democratically elected leftist Guatemalan president and helped lead to the end of theGuatemalan Civil War. Considering the Guatemalan operation...
Bearded and observant? Terrorist. Woman without a headscarf? Courageous leftist revolutionary. The reality, unfortunately or fortunately, is much more complex than that. Needless to say, among the Kurdish population, the vast majority of whom are Sunni Muslims, there are also bearded men who pray...