A fecal occult blood test is a test that can detect blood in your stool. During a flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, your doctor inserts a small tube with a camera through your anus and into your colon and rectum. Your doctor will make a diagnosis based on these tests and begin a tr...
Testing for liver function is a frequently requested blood test for abdominal pain amongst other conditions. Components ALANINE TRANSAMINASE (ALT) ALBUMIN ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) Normal Range in Health 1-60 U/L
5'-nucleotidase test. This testmeasures the levels of 5'- nucleotidase (an enzyme specific to the liver). The 5'- nucleotidase level is elevated in persons with liver diseases, especially those diseases associated with cholestasis. This is disruption in the formation of, or obstruction in the ...
An SGPT test is done to see if the liver is diseased or damaged1. Although there is normally a low level of GPT in the bloodstream, it will greatly increase in the presence of certain diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.The use of certain medications, such as statins to lower chole...
What exactly is the level.? Are the other parameters on liver test normal?only ggt elevation without any other symptoms do not need any treatment.nothing to worry Next Steps rest assured if only ggt elevated mildy Health Tips repeat liver function test2...
What genetic test detects for dynamic mutation?Dynamic Mutation:In a dynamic mutation, the inherited genetic material is unstable. How likely the mutation is to be expressed is based on how many copies there are of the mutation. When a dynamic mutation replicates, the product of the replication...
I had a liver function test this morning. I want to know what is a normal liver function test result? 3 Answers Dr. Cándido Otero Pathologist Roseburg, OR The Aspartate Transferase (AST), 10 to 40 units per liters (u/L), and Alanine Transferase (ALT), 7 to 56 units per liters...
Bilirubin is a pigment removed from the blood by the liver. Low values are of no concern. If slightly elevated above the expected ranges, but with all other enzymes (LDH, GOT, GPT, GGT) within expected values, it is probably a condition known as Gilbert’s syndrome and is not significant...
What is germline mutation testing?Mutation:A mutation is the alteration of the genetic configuration that rises an irregularity form that can be carried down to an oncoming generation and is originated by deoxyribonucleic acid base units alterations....
An SGPT test is done to see if the liver is diseased or damaged 1. Although there is normally a low level of GPT in the bloodstream, it will greatly increase in the presence of certain diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.