It has subsequently grown in size, strength and influence in Afghanistan, and many of its fighters had previously been imprisoned in detention facilities the U.S. and its Western allies set up across the country. The terrorist network is not to be confused with the "Khorasan Group," the re...
While the Taliban is focused on enforcing its version of sharia law in Afghanistan, ISIS-K has bigger aspirations – to establish an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East and Asia. The two groups are rivals, and the attack Thursday, beyond the fatalities and injuries it wrought on U.S. ...
It draws parallels with the Taliban, whose rapid return to power in Afghanistan in 2021 was accompanied by a Western-friendly push to appear moderate, forgiving and forward-looking, even as the group implemented a draconian return to Sharia law and a crackdown on the rights of women and minori...
For healthy individuals, the thought of deliberately and systematically harming a large number of innocent people is unfathomable. Yet, a thorough analysis of 56 research papers reporting on 73 different terrorist group samples across more than 82 countries demonstrates that individuals...
Reem Banna – in her own words on Assad Welcome Mustafa! We know who hurt you! Covid in Italy, the never-ending State of Emergency and the “othering” of dissent Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed durin...
U.S. forces carried out Operation Anaconda from March 2 to 10 in Afghanistan, killing anywhere between 100 and 1,000 members of the Taliban and al-Qaida. There were 80 casualties among U.S. forces, including eight dead and 72 wounded. That October, Congress passed the Iraq Resolution, ...
"In urban combat, you take higher casualties. That's just a historical fact," Jim Webb, a former U.S. Marine infantryman who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, told CNBC. "Iraq showed just how much of an advantage the defender, particularly an asymmetrical one, has in urban combat. ...
Its regional affiliates are also present in Afghanistan, West Africa and the Far East. A Pakistani security analyst, Syed Muhammad Ali, said that if it is confirmed that the group carried out the grisly concert hall massacre, it could be seen as revenge for Russian airstrikes against IS ...
as well as the launching ofdrone strikesand special forces operations against suspected terrorist targets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. In 2003, the U.S. along with a multi-national coalition invaded Iraq to deposeSaddam Hussein, who was ultimately executed forcrimes against humanity...
"The anti-Hezbollah motivation within Lebanon, and the fear of escalating the situation in Lebanon into a more difficult economic situation… I think this is also a very important reason" for the group to try to avert a full-scale war, Shine said. ...