Spanish Lessons Todos los episodios IMDbProTodos los temasLearn Basic Spanish: ¿Qué hizo la doctora ayer? (What did the doctor do yesterday?) PAST TENSE/EL PASADO Episodio del podcast 2022 22min TU CALIFICACIÓN Calificar Agrega una trama en tu idioma Ver la información de producción ...
(nəu) –past tense knew (njuː) : past participle known – verb1. to be aware of or to have been informed about. He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I
The past tense form of take is took. The -ed participle is taken. He took the children to school. If you take someone or something with you when you go to a place, you have them with you. She gave me some books to take home. Don't forget to take your umbrella. 3. 'fetch' ...
Preterit Tense: This tense is used to describe an event that has a definite beginning and end. For example, “Yesterday I ate a salad for lunch” (Ayer comí una ensalada). The action is completed and specific in terms of time. Imperfect Tense: This tense is used for...
Its past tense is gave. Its -ed participle is given. Give usually takes an indirect object. For some meanings of give, the indirect object must go in front of the direct object. For other meanings, it can go either in front of the direct object or after it. 2. physical actions Give...
Mary make.pst.3sg walk.inf ‘Mary makes him walk.’ b. *María hizo caminar=lo. Mary make.pst.3sg The structure in (13a) is more similar to the English word order, and consequently this non-restructured order tends to be preferred for English ...