又因为it是 单数,因此谓语动词用 is。be used for doing sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,be used to doi ng sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”。 故正确答案为B。 结果一 题目 【题目】- What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for?Itserving really cold ice-cream. A: was used toB: is used forC: were...
First ice cream plant Doors open to one of the sweetest buildings ever - the very first ice cream plant. 1880s What a scoop Get your fixin's and grab your bowls! The ice cream sundae is born. 1904 Hello Drumstick! Rumor has it, the waffle cone makes its debut at the world's fair...
分析 Whatisthehotice-creamscoopusedfor? 解答 答案:热冰激凌勺是用来做什么的? be used for被用来做什么;hot ice-cream热冰淇淋;scoop勺子;题干是一个特殊疑问句,由特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成;特殊疑问词what作介词for的宾语. 点评 翻译题在解题是首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达,最后要注意句子...
举例来说,日常看到的剪彩仪式便是a ribbon cutting ceremony。而今天说的冰丝带,则是国家速滑馆的昵称,也就是“Ice Ribbon”。 Ice Ribbon,冰丝带,由于场馆外墙有22道形如丝带的玻璃装饰条而得此名。22条丝带就像运动员在冰面滑过的痕迹,象征速度和激情。 早在汉...
How to Install Advanced Evaporator Drum Ice Maker System What is Grant Ice Machinery Stainless Steel Flake Ice Making System share: Contact Now Chat with Supplier Get Latest Price About this Item Details Company Profile Price Min. OrderReference FOB Price ...
句子时态是一般现在时,主语是It,所以be 动词用is。盛可以翻译为serve,接在介词for后面 用serving;很冷的冰淇淋译为really cold ice-crea m. 故答案是It is used for serving really cold i ce-cream. 结果一 题目 7. -What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for?冰激凌加热勺是用来做什么的它被用来盛很...
23.创意教具/桌游连载 ---日常作息教具素材包 ! 24.创意教具/桌游---Food教学!Let's make a Pizza,了解国外食物! 25.语法教具/板书设计---形容词的比较级和最高级变化规则,一目了然的板书教具! 26.惊艳!少儿英语趣味桌游/创意教具素材包! 27....
【详解】 连词成句-|||-1.color颜色,is是 ,the定冠词,what什么 ,ice cream冰激凌。根据问号可知这是组成疑问句,what color组成疑问词放在句-|||-首,组成句子:这个玩具汽车是什么颜色?故答案为:Whatcoloristhetoycar?-|||-这是考查连词成句的题目。 要掌握特殊疑问句的句子结构。-|||-2.a一个,hot热...
I felt I was going to die.(Unexpexpectedly)they asked a question:"What is this?" It was my KFC.They grabbed the(fried)chicken and ran,their footsteps fading(into)the night.I phoned the police who called back for(additional)details.(Accidentally) these two probably committed several (...
There have been two notable ICE implementations. ICEcubes is the originalJavaimplementation of ICE 1.1. It has not been active since December 2000. TwICEandRiceare subsequent Java implementations of ICE 2.0. However, ICE is notproprietaryand may be developed by others....