Volcanoes can either be formed by tectonic plates moving away or towards each other. When plates move away from each other such as at the mid-oceanic ridges, the phenomena is referred to as being a divergent plate boundary. As the plates move, new crust is formed by molten lava moving up...
gianttectonic platesare always moving very slowly as the Earth generates new crust and reclaims old crust. The effect has often been compared to a giant conveyor belt. There are certain points under the ocean
The boundaries of tectonic plates are typically where Earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis occur and new mountains form. Divergent boundaries occur where... Learn more about this topic: Plate Tectonics | Definition, Theory & Summary from Chapter 7/ Lesson 5 ...
Plate tectonics is the study of the motion of the plates in the Earth's crust. The Earth's tectonic plates are in constant motion...
hot spot theory … to explain how this particular type of volcanic activity can occur—and can go on for maybe tens or even hundreds of millions of years.Wilson’s theory was that hot spots exist below tectonic plates and they’re the cause of these volcanoes. But what causes the hot ...
Which tectonic plate interaction caused the Krakatoa volcanic eruption? This region was caused by thecrash of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate, and thus caused a giant subduction zone (Volcanoes in Indonesia, 2009). Krakatoa Island (Krakatau in Indonesian) is ...
Wilson's theory was that: hot spots exist below tectonic plates, and they're the cause of these volcanoes. But what causes the hot spots? Hmm, well, the most popular theory that's been proposed is the plume hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, plumes, uh, basically columns of extreme...
To address this question, the team used statistical analysis, includingmachine learning, to forensically examine the link between continental breakup and kimberlite volcanism. The results showed the eruptions of most kimberlite volcanoes occurred 20 to 30 million years after the tectonic breakup of Earth...
Earthquakes Caused By Volcanoes: Volcanic earthquakes are far less common than tectonic plate related ones. They are triggered by the explosive eruption of a volcano. When a volcano explodes the associated earthquake effects are usually confined to an area 16 to 32 km around its base. ...
It is possible for a whole tectonic plate to disappear. This happens when the plate goes through subduction faster than new material can be added to the plate through seafloor spreading. The spreading pushes the plate slowly toward the subduction zone until the whole thing disappears. When this ...