I learned how to erase a permanent marker from the whiteboard (by drawing over the marks you’ve made in a permanent marker with a dry-erase marker). I also discovered that according to research, you can either pre-teach vocabulary or teach it later – it doesn’t really make a ...
It's a risky move but with high risk comes high reward, right? At least that's what they say, but we're not sure it applies to this scenario. At least if someone questions this man's decision, he can just say that he takes his love for The S...
Using the permanent markers, draw an outline of a diaper on the large piece of paper and stick it to a wall. Then draw poop shapes (the smiling poop emoji is always a hit) on the brown paper and cut them out. Place a piece of double-sided tape on the back of each poop. Blindfold...
Dr Heather Paxton and Dr Jeffery Rankin, postdoc researchers working on our collaborative BBSRC chicken biomechanics grant (see thechickenofthefuture.com), use the Structure & Motion Lab whiteboard to explain their science to an attentive Darwin. Today I have a short pictorial exhibit of something...