The liver converts food into energy and toxins into harmless substances that are removed from the body. Kidneys are responsible for filtering blood and also removing waste. Together, they lead a powerful detox system involving your spleen, intestines, skin, and lymphatic system. When there are pr...
Brain fluid is a bodily fluid that normally flows throughout the central nervous system. The purpose of brain fluid is to...
Living With Autoimmune Diseases: It Changes Your Perspective Written By India KushnerPublished on Jan 25, 2022 Support Good news for your inbox Sign up for our newsletter for tips and discounts. Email address By providing your email, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. ...
I've been drinking distilled water every day. I use a water distiller that cleans the tap and once it has finished the process of distilling I pour it into one of two gallon jugs I have. These jugs are always on my kitchen counter and sit in the sun, the only changes that occurs w...
cranberry juice and so on may help prevent deposition of fat in your arteries and veins, but garlic actively cleans existing deposits. Besides cleaning up arteries, it dissolves cholesterol as you eat it, preventing it from staying in your system, and also strengthens your immune system. Another...
If you're considering a 3 day fast but have never fasted before, here are some lessons and experiences to prepare for so you don't learn them the hard way.